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Maybe the moment is now….

A journey with tai chi and Shaw Method swimming

Our busy world makes many demands. For us creating a place which allows time to breathe, think or just sit and marvel has been important. We provide accommodation and teach tai chi and Shaw Method swimming in the Cairngorms as tools that allow you to carve out this space for yourself.

Tai chi

Tai chi builds strength, balance and co-ordination. It is a valuable form of meditation and with its root as a martial art, allows you to work with energy to create a new connection with the world.

A teacher and pupil learning shaw method swimming

Shaw Method

Based on the Alexander technique this is a way to swim which calms and energises. Enjoy the water and find swimming so calming that it becomes a form of meditation and living in the moment. 


If you love the outdoors, we think you will love it here. We have spectacular views of the Cairngorms, with excellent walks straight from the door. Choose from the cabin or the bothy.